Answers to your RRSP Questions

RRSPAnswers to your RRSP Questions

You are allowed to contribute 18% of earned income to an RRSP and there is no time limit for how long you can carry forward unused contribution room. You have 60 days after year-end to make an RRSP contribution and claim a deduction for the previous tax-year. There is no limit to how many RRSPs you can have and you are eligible to over contribute a maximum of $2000.00 in a lifetime without incurring a penalty.

Remember, if you decide to withdraw money from an RRSP, you will need to pay taxes on that money. However, it is not necessary to claim an RRSP deduction for the year in which the contribution was made and there is no time limit for how long you can carry forward unused contribution room.

Under the Lifelong Learning Plan, the interest rate is zero on an RRSP loan. You have 15 years to repay loans under the Lifelong Learning Plan and the Home Buyers’ Plan. It is advised to review your RRSP investments every three months. The government places no limitations on the use of money borrowed under the Lifelong Learning Plan.

If you are thinking about whether or not a TFSA or an RRSP is a better choice, remember the following: A TFSA is a better choice if you expect your income in retirement to be higher than it is now, if you expect to apply for the Guaranteed Income Supplement when you retire and/or if you have a defined benefit pension plan.

Contact Rumanek & Company Ltd. for more information on bankruptcy and debt solutions. Or please fill out the free bankruptcy evaluation form. To learn more please visit our YouTube Channel. Rumanek & Company have been helping individuals and families overcome debt for more than 25 years.

Quit Gambling For Your Health and Happiness

Prioritize Your Health and Happiness: Quit Gambling Today

Now is the time to prioritise your health and happiness by quitting gambling. The digital era has exponentially increased the avenues for gambling, leading to a significant rise in problem gambling. Gambling often leads to a solitary and pleasureless existence, enveloped by anxiety, dread, panic, and both mental and physical distress. The misconception that gambling provides a form of enjoyment is misleading—gambling is not a savior, it is the source of suffering. Studies show that divorce rates among problem gamblers are twice as high, and the suicide rate is twenty times higher. Continued gambling alters the brain’s chemical balance, preventing us from deriving joy from regular everyday experiences, creating only an illusion of euphoria.

Do not fall for the idea that gambling is a well-earned reward after a hard day’s work. This notion that it offers true pleasure is flawed. Identify the trap and consider more valuable uses for your money. Addiction leads us into a cyclical trap, causing us to seek relief from the very source that induces our stress. No gambler truly maintains control or exhibits genuine happiness or enjoyment. Life as a non-gambler is considerably more fulfilling.

In conclusion, there are countless reasons to quit gambling, but the most crucial include: increased self-esteem, the ability to enjoy authentic pleasures again, enhanced stress coping skills, boosted confidence, and improved financial stability.

Contact Rumanek & Company Ltd. for more information on bankruptcy and debt solutions. Or please fill out the free bankruptcy evaluation form. To learn more please visit our YouTube Channel. Rumanek & Company have been helping individuals and families overcome debt for more than 25 years.

Joint Loans

MeetingJoint Loans

If you are considering co-signing for a loan, credit card or line of credit with another person, it is imperative to research your responsibilities. If you co-sign, the lender will consider you to be a joint borrower, and you become equally responsible for repaying any balances owing on the loan. If the primary borrower is unable to pay the debt, the bank or lender can demand that any borrower and or co-signer listed on the loan or credit agreement pay the entire amount. Also, keep in mind, for certain credit cards, the terms may state that authorized users such as, for example, secondary cardholders can be held responsible for any outstanding balances, even if they did not sign the credit card application. Be sure to read the credit agreement carefully and make sure that you fully understand who is responsible. If you aren’t sure, ask.

If you decide to co-sign for a loan, credit card or line of credit from a federally regulated financial institution, you also have the right to receive the same information about the loan from the lender. For example, if you co-sign for a credit card with another person, the lender must give each of you copies of the credit agreement and the monthly statements, unless you consent to waive this right. This, in turn, allows you to keep track of the status of the loan—whether the other borrower is making payments or if the terms and conditions have changed. In order to guarantee you protect yourself as a co-signer, ask the primary borrower to purchase insurance to pay back the debt in the unfortunate circumstance they pass away. In this circumstance, the primary borrower can name you as the beneficiary on a life insurance policy for an amount that will allow you to pay back the loan. In sum, understand your rights and responsibilities before you co-sign and be certain you read the loan agreement carefully to protect yourself from financial disaster.

Contact Rumanek & Company Ltd. for more information on bankruptcy and debt solutions. Or please fill out the free bankruptcy evaluation form. To learn more please visit our YouTube Channel. Rumanek & Company have been helping individuals and families overcome debt for more than 25 years.

Understanding Reverse Mortgages

Understanding the Impact of Reverse Mortgages on Life Insurance in Bankruptcy

A reverse mortgage, available to homeowners aged 55 or older, is a type of loan that leverages the equity in your home. Equity, in this context, refers to the debt-free value of your home that you have acquired over the years. If you are approved for a reverse mortgage, you begin to receive money based on your home’s equity instead of making monthly mortgage payments. This could come as a lump sum, several lump sums, or monthly cash installments. However, there’s more to it, especially when considering interest rates and how they can affect your home’s equity.

The Costs of a Reverse Mortgage

While the concept of a reverse mortgage may seem appealing, it’s essential to understand its costs, especially when it comes to the interest on the loan. High interest rates are common in reverse mortgages, and these can rapidly accumulate over the years, potentially exhausting the equity in your home. This could ultimately leave you without any home ownership or equity.

Unlike regular mortgages, reverse mortgage holders are not required to make any payments while the loan is in effect. The interest on your reverse mortgage continues to accumulate, causing the equity or the amount you’ve invested in your home to decrease over time.

Should you sell your house or it ceases to be your primary residence, you are obligated to repay the reverse mortgage loan and any accumulated interest. It’s essential to understand the interest you are paying, whether that interest rate is fixed, and to compare this with other loan types if you need a loan. Depending on your house’s value, your reverse mortgage loan sum could be up to 55% of its current value, which can amount to a significant sum attracting interest.

An increasing number of baby boomers are showing interest in reverse mortgages, thanks to their promise of increased cash flow during retirement. However, the growing popularity of these loans is largely due to lenders banking on people not questioning the elevated interest rates and compound interest rates involved. These rates can range from 4 to 12 percent, and borrowers need to be aware of the associated fees and closing costs, which can vary from $3,000 to $12,000, depending on the lender and agreement.

The compounding nature of reverse mortgage interest means the mortgage balance can grow at an alarming rate. For instance, if you borrow $200,000 at 6 percent interest, without making regular payments, your debt would rise to $320,000 after 10 years, and this total is even higher when semi-annual compounding is factored in. Consequently, when you pass away or sell your home, this increased amount will have to be repaid, leaving less of your home equity to go around.

Choosing the Right Path

Before choosing a reverse mortgage, it’s essential to explore all options and consult with unbiased financial advisors, family, and friends. These individuals do not have vested interests in your mortgage or financial decisions and can provide impartial advice. It’s vital to consider all aspects of your financial situation, including how bankruptcy could affect life insurance money.

Contact Rumanek & Company Ltd. for more information on bankruptcy and debt solutions. Or please fill out the free bankruptcy evaluation form. To learn more please visit our YouTube Channel. Rumanek & Company have been helping individuals and families overcome debt for more than 25 years.