A Consumer Proposal is a settlement offer you make to your creditors, who vote on your offer. Bankruptcy is a notice to your creditors that you are unable to pay, no vote required.
A Consumer Proposal tells your creditors that even though you cannot afford to pay all of your debt, you can pay a portion of it. The creditors then vote on your offer. A Consumer Proposal can spread payments over a maximum of 5 years, interest-free.
Bankruptcy allows you to advise your creditors that you cannot afford to pay even a portion of your debts. The creditors do not vote. For those without assets* or with a limited income, Bankruptcy is generally faster and less costly than a Consumer Proposal.
*In most cases, Bankruptcy does not affect a person’s house or car. Talk to us for more information.
If you have any questions or would like to chat with us about our Consumer Proposal solutions, then simply contact us by clicking below.
CALL - 416-665-3328