Using your credit card as a for living expenses such as groceries;
Regularly going over your spending limit;
Borrowing money each month to make ends meet;
Your wages are being garnisheed;
You are only able to pay the interest on your debts;
You are getting aggressive calls from your creditors;
The CRA has seized your bank account;
Your mortgage is in default;
You are borrowing money to gamble, hoping to use winnings to pay off debt;
You do not know where to turn for help.
If you are experiencing any of the above hardships, contact a Trustee in Bankruptcy. Most Trustees offer a free consultation, so there is no cost to come in and ask questions about your personal situation, and no obligation to take the next step. Find out how you can get out of debt.
Contact Rumanek & Company Ltd. for more information. Or please fill out the form on the contact us page for additional information. Or if you would like a free evaluation please fill out the evaluation form.
To learn more please visit our YouTube Channel. Rumanek & Company have been helping individuals and families overcome debt for more than 25 years.