Older Canadians & Financial Abuse

Credit Card BankruptcyOlder Canadians & Financial Abuse

Taking precautions to avoid scams and frauds is another way to protect your assets against financial abuse. Hustlers are constantly coming up with new scams to deceive elderly people. It is important to never respond to e-mail, phone or door-to-door offers from people or groups you do not know. Most often, if an offer seems too good to be true, one can assume it is. Protect your personal information–reputable organizations will not e-mail, write or call and ask you to confirm information about your bank account or financial affairs. Financial abuse is illegal and/or unauthorized use of your money or property, or pressure on you for use of your money or property.

Unfortunately and sadly, abusers are often people in positions of power in your life, such as a family member, caregiver or someone you live with. If you think you may be the victim of financial abuse, a fraud or a scam, do not feel ashamed and you are not at fault–many people are in the same situation and it is important you do not stay silent. Tell someone you trust about what is going on and how you are being treated and take precautions. If you do not feel you can trust anyone or do not feel comfortable talking to someone you know, you can report financial abuse and/or fraud to the police.

Contact Rumanek & Company Ltd. for more information on bankruptcy and debt solutions. Or please fill out the free bankruptcy evaluation form. To learn more please visit our YouTube Channel. Rumanek & Company have been helping individuals and families overcome debt for more than 25 years.

Answers to your RRSP Questions

RRSPAnswers to your RRSP Questions

You are allowed to contribute 18% of earned income to an RRSP and there is no time limit for how long you can carry forward unused contribution room. You have 60 days after year-end to make an RRSP contribution and claim a deduction for the previous tax-year. There is no limit to how many RRSPs you can have and you are eligible to over contribute a maximum of $2000.00 in a lifetime without incurring a penalty.

Remember, if you decide to withdraw money from an RRSP, you will need to pay taxes on that money. However, it is not necessary to claim an RRSP deduction for the year in which the contribution was made and there is no time limit for how long you can carry forward unused contribution room.

Under the Lifelong Learning Plan, the interest rate is zero on an RRSP loan. You have 15 years to repay loans under the Lifelong Learning Plan and the Home Buyers’ Plan. It is advised to review your RRSP investments every three months. The government places no limitations on the use of money borrowed under the Lifelong Learning Plan.

If you are thinking about whether or not a TFSA or an RRSP is a better choice, remember the following: A TFSA is a better choice if you expect your income in retirement to be higher than it is now, if you expect to apply for the Guaranteed Income Supplement when you retire and/or if you have a defined benefit pension plan.

Contact Rumanek & Company Ltd. for more information on bankruptcy and debt solutions. Or please fill out the free bankruptcy evaluation form. To learn more please visit our YouTube Channel. Rumanek & Company have been helping individuals and families overcome debt for more than 25 years.

Saturday Night Live Debt Skit

Saturday Night Live Debt Skit

Saturday Night Live Debt Skit from ABI Videos on Vimeo.



Contact Rumanek & Company Ltd. for more information on bankruptcy and debt solutions. Or please fill out the free bankruptcy evaluation form. To learn more please visit our YouTube Channel. Rumanek & Company have been helping individuals and families overcome debt for more than 25 years.

How Can I Avoid Collection Calls?

Bankruptcy PeopleHow can I avoid Collection Calls

Many Canadians are very uncomfortable receiving a collection call from a bill collector. In some instances it can be a major headache for an Ontario resident to get a collection call at the workplace. There are three basic strategies for avoiding collection calls:

  1. Reduce the likelihood that a bill collector can find your phone number

You might want to get a new phone number if you are getting phone calls or you anticipate receiving collection calls. If you have a landline you should consider getting an unlisted number—and advising friends and family not to give out this unlisted number to anyone. Furthermore, you should avoid having your name mentioned on your voicemail greeting.

  1. Effectively screening potential phone calls from bill collectors

There are a substantial number of tactics you might employ to screen your calls:

  • Letting all incoming calls go to voicemail
  • Using the call display feature on your phone to screen your calls
  • Have someone else answer your phone
  • Decline to give out your name to callers unless they first identify the name of their employer
  1. Dealing with a bill collector who does get you on the phone

If a bill collector does get you on the phone then you have every right to hang up on the bill collector—or simply put the phone down on the table, or let them talk to your dog—at any time! You are under no legal obligation whatsoever to speak to a bill collector.


Contact Rumanek & Company Ltd. for more information on bankruptcy and debt solutions. Or please fill out the free bankruptcy evaluation form. To learn more please visit our YouTube Channel. Rumanek & Company have been helping individuals and families overcome debt for more than 25 years.